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Saturday, March 6, 2010

a wholesome activity - Airsoft

Pace of life is revealed by the speed of the escalator

Or maybe it was just an excuse for me to post a photo of a really really long escalator. It wasn't in action anyway. But really, the escalators in Hong Kong do feel faster than those in Melbourne.

Anyway, that was a quick detour to Tiu Keng Leng for the design institute so I could see the escalator for myself. The main event of the day was... Airsoft.

It's kind of like playing Counterstrike I suppose. Except that BBs sting for a while and you don't die (permanently). You also don't have to purchase new weapons after you die.

My legs were quite sore afterwards. Kneeling and stepping on BB bullets isn't something that you'd want to do everyday. It's still quite fun taking cover, bursting into rooms, coming around the back and flanking, etc.

I found that I didn't really need to reload after each round. There was only one bruise left on my upper left arm - the other hits didn't leave marks. Although one that ricocheted off a wall and onto my ear did hurt a lot.
I wonder whether this is popular in Hong Kong because the gun nuts don't have an outlet (like a military to join).

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